I'm quite happy with my creative work this weekend. I completed and published the latest edition of my newsletter and mostly completed my new personal and French blog. Official launch soon🚀, but not here, see next👇🏻.
A quick explanation about the chosen hosting service for my new blog: I wanted to be able to use a native Mac client for writing and posting, something that is not possible with Scribbles.page (yet? -- Vincent? I know you are watching this! 👨🏻💻). Micro.one is my hosting service of choice. Again.
This winter is particularly a cloudy one☁️; I'm lacking sunshine☀️. And this week it wild be really cold, like fuckin cold 🥶.
Speaking of cold, I'm frozen and can't decide which Craft video should I do next. I had the whole weekend to find an idea and make it happen! But no... anyway.