Numeric Citizen Blips 📡✨
March 23rd, 2024

Now ☀️-4 °C - 🌡️-7 °C - 🌧️82%

  1. It's spring, yet we're getting 10cm of snow and blowing snow. Thanks to much warmer weather, it should all clear out and melt this week.
  2. I will finally publish the "What Goes Were" short article on my main site. It's about time.
  3. I'll probably visit the photography store today while my wife is working overtime. I want to get a closer look at the Nikon Zf.
  4. No YouTube video creation this weekend. 
  5. Yesterday, our Uber driver was Ukrainian and couldn't speak French and barely English. He immigrated a few months ago. He understood when I said "Slava Ukraini" and responded with "Thank You" and a heartfelt smile.
  6. Spent some time explaining my video recording setup to my wife as she needs to create short clips for her work. I'm on Mac. She's on Windows. End of the story. 

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