Numeric Citizen Blips 📡✨
May 4th, 2024

Now ☀️25 °C - 🌡️11 °C - 🌧️0%

Now ⭐
  1. I'm writing right from my hotel in Barcelona! We're taking the cruise ship later today!
  2. We spent the evening yesterday waling around in Barcelona, where I did some street photography!
  3. On the plane, the guy right beside us spent 7 hours scrolling on his iPhone. Was it on TikTok? I couldn't see and was wondering if he was connected to the wireless service of the plane. Anyway, I'm mostly not judging, but man, 7 hours of scrolling on a tiny screen? Really?
  4. I'm a city type of guy. I like it when it is busy, but not too busy, people walking around with bikes everywhere, scooters, etc.
  5. We're going to explore so more of Barcelona this morning, with my camera. It's my third time here and I love this place. 
  6. Have a great day, wherever you are with whatever are your plans!