Numeric Citizen Blips 📡✨
April 23rd, 2024

Now ☀️19 °C - 🌡️2 °C - 🌧️42%

Now ⭐
  1. I'm getting more replies by email to my blog posts here than on any other platforms. That is unexpected but so fun. Keep them coming. 
  2. I'm shooting corporate photos during my two-day sales kickoff event, and so far I must say that I'm liking it. That is unexpected too.
  3. One of my colleagues is borderline in climate change denial. I have a hard time talking to him on this subject. For example: he believes that more CO2 is good for forests as they make them grow better and faster but neglects to talk about all the negative side effects of this gas constant increase to atmosphere temperature and weather pattern changes. 🤦🏻‍♂️ He is the same guy who thinks Elon Musk is right about everything he does. I have to better choose my fights with him. 
  4. I don't have much time this morning to write, as I need to go! Have a nice day!

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